Wednesday 5 June 2013

Broadcast Blog 7


Final BBC News at One from BBC Television Centre Friday 15 March 2013

The government has partially fought of a series of objections to 'High Speed Two' in the courts, but in the victory to residents affected by the project the compensation scheme has been deemed unlawful. The line would go from London to Birmingham in fase one and to Leeds and Manchester in fase 2. For the government it is a good thing because the plans to build the railway could have been delayed by many years. A man was charged with the murder of Christina Atkins, 16, who died in Birmingham when she was stabbed on the top deck of a bus on her way to school.

I get why people who bought a house when they did, without a railway past their houses, wouldn't want a railway past their houses now. Though I believe when compensated for distress this line could severely strengthen the British economy. These people should really reconsider what the advantages/disadvantages are when it comes to the High Speed Two. I hope that the man who killed Christina Atkins will get locked up for life. When you are 22 you have the capacity to make your own decisions. When you neglect to make the right decisions and kill a young woman because of it, you are not fit to roam free in this society in my opinion.


BBC. (2013, 03 15). Sam Smith. Retrieved 05 05, 2013, from YouTube:

Broadcast Blog 6

Sign of the Times - BBC News January First 2013

The Royal College of Physicians say that depending the area you live in National Health Services for obese people are patchy and inadequate. More needs to be done to tackle health problems caused by obesity. Obesity in the UK is now more frequent, more severe and occurring at younger ages. 25% of UK's adults are obese but researchers expect 50% of the adults to be obese in 2050. The council of Newham is implementing a system of compulsory licensing and fines to tackle rogue landlords who overprice and overcrowd their properties. The councils the first in England to implement this system.

I believe that it is a good thing for the Royal College of Physicians to alert the National Health Services to be more aware of the growing obesity problems in the United Kingdom. Though I do believe that most of these people need individual reprimands to get them to lose weight. As a person who is overweight myself I find that thinking about one's future and health stimulates to lose weight and become a healthier person. The letting licensing is a good idea, I think, because it not only stimulates better living circumstances for the letters but it also stimulates the economy because the letters can spend the money on other things.


BBC. (2013, 01 01). nuggetsofwisdom99. Retrieved 04 28, 2013, from YouTube: 

Broadcast Blog 5

Final BBC news at six from BBC Television Centre Friday 15 march 2013

England's primary schools are under pressure nearly a quarter of million new places will be needed in 18 month's time. Schools in England are struggling to cope with the surge in numbers, one in five primary schools is already full to their capacity. The fourteenth century burial site for victims of the plague is discovered by workers digging a rail link across London. Te plague pit was dug in 1349 outside the city walls. The stars come out for Comic Relief for nearly twenty five years of being funny for money. Stars convince the public to give money to a charity foundation that does charity work in Britain and other countries in the world.

I believe that the previous administration failed to prepare the country, especially the public primary schools, for the future. It is their job to think ahead and build enough schools to offer schooling to all children. They had four year to see that they would need a quarter of a million extra places in primary schools. If they are smart they also start thinking about how many places they will need in secondary schools in the future. I think it is amazing that the earth still has presents for us to discover and learn from. Finding this grave site gives us the opportunity to learn more. One should not wait for one day to give to the needy but they should always help when able.


BBC. (2013, 03 15). Sam Smith. Retrieved 05 28, 2013, from YouTube:

Broadcast Blog 4

Last ever BBC new broadcast form television centre 18/03/13

President of Cyprus tries to defuse anger of the terms of an EU bailout. He warns that his country might turn bankrupt. British troops serving in Cyprus will not be affected by the new bank tax. During a national address, the president says this way is the lesser of two evils. This deal is different than the one offered to Ireland, Spain, Greece and Portugal. Changes to pensions and social care in 2013's budget for Britain are necessary because the chancellor says there can be no easy answers to Britain's economic woes. There is a new  president in China, the president believes a stronger economical force is possible and that all Chinese people will share china's profits.

The deal offered to Cyprus is, in my believes, reasonable. Though I do understand that the people of Cyprus now feel that they are being stolen from by their government and the EU by the levy's the EU wants to invoke. I hope that the people will realize choosing for the EU's solution is indeed the lesser of two evils and that they will come out of their economical dip stronger than before. I think that the way Chancellor Osborne is dealing with the economical woes of Britain is quite good, he gives more to the elderly and the infrastructure of the country.


BBC. (2013, 03 18). iCabrit. Retrieved 05 26, 2013, from YouTube:

Broadcast Blog 3

BBC World News First Bulletin New Studio

Rebels in Mali seized a government held town and France insists it's military intervention will only last weeks. The French government is awfully bullish about how they see the war in Mali. But the taking of the city must be taken as a huge blow. The International Rescue Committee claim that the actions of the world to aid Syria have been drastically insufficient, and the Syrians are still suffering. New BBC headquarters, the biggest multilingual newsroom in the world. It is called Broadcasting house, is stationed in central London and houses 45% of the staff. It houses television, radio and online editorial departments. Ben Affleck won two Golden Globes for his movie Argo.

It pains me to see that there is no end to horror and war in the world. I hope that the disturbances in Mali and elsewhere in the world quickly resolve themselves. Though war is not something that we should take lightly so maybe the French government should be a bit more concerned in how to resolve this struggle. As far as the IRC goes, I believe that there is plenty of money in the world spend on refugee assistance and we all have to make ends meet. Complaining about it isn't going to help anyone. Congratulations to the BBC and their new Broadcasting house, and to Ben Affleck for his movie.


BBC. (2013, 01 15). irt5. Retrieved 04 26, 2013, from Youtube:

Broadcast Blog 2

BBC World News - 08 MAY 2013

Manchester United manager A. Ferguson, age 71, announced retirement, the end of an era. He won 13 premier league cups in his 27 years of managing the club. Three women reunited with family in Ohio, abducted and held in Cleveland. The police arrested 3 brother as suspects, though the police could have found the women earlier though ignored reports of women crying for help. Tougher immigration rules outlined in the annual queen's speech. She will also address certain issues like free health care and government housing. It is unsure if the Queen will address the 'Leaving the EU'- issue.

I think it is extraordinary that mister Ferguson was able to be manage a football club up to such an old age. I think it is good that he stops managing now and spends more time with his wife. I am also baffled by the fact that 3 women and one boy have been kept in that house in Cleveland for so long without anyone aiding them or rescuing them. It is just that the police force investigates why that is. On the issue of leaving the EU I think it is a difficult topic because the UK is not in the Euro zone, so most EU decisions would have a negative impact on the UK's economy.


BBC. (2013, 05 08). KeithCutey. Retrieved 05 12, 2013, from Youtube:

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Broadcast Blog 1

BBC News at One, Moday 18th March 2013

The government wants to regulate press due to the phone hacking scandal, by setting up a royal charter. Though they are uncertain if this will be underpinned by law. Markets in Cyprus fall over new tax for EU bailout. The move has been set in motion to get the country ready for a EU bailout. The president of Cyprus says it's the only way to save the country from bankruptcy. Britain's air and space industry are getting a two billion pound investment securing the future of a 115 000 jobs. The money is a one million investment from the government and a two million investment from industry. 10 years after the invasion in Iraq, where 179 British soldiers died an 116.000 civilians lost their lives, much has changed after the invasion. Frank Thornton, an 'are you being served' star, died at 92.

Original news broadcast

I believe that there are some rules and regulations necessary when it comes to the freedom of press. One should not overstep the boundaries of personal privacy. Furthermore the Cyprians should find a better way of getting out of debt if they do not want to follow the rules the EU gives them. I think I  is a good thing that the British business life and government come together to save this many jobs in the air and space industry. I am also rather glad that mister Thornton lived his life to the fullest.

BBC. (2013, 03 18). BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5. Retrieved 03 20, 2013, from Youtube: