Wednesday 5 June 2013

Broadcast Blog 2

BBC World News - 08 MAY 2013

Manchester United manager A. Ferguson, age 71, announced retirement, the end of an era. He won 13 premier league cups in his 27 years of managing the club. Three women reunited with family in Ohio, abducted and held in Cleveland. The police arrested 3 brother as suspects, though the police could have found the women earlier though ignored reports of women crying for help. Tougher immigration rules outlined in the annual queen's speech. She will also address certain issues like free health care and government housing. It is unsure if the Queen will address the 'Leaving the EU'- issue.

I think it is extraordinary that mister Ferguson was able to be manage a football club up to such an old age. I think it is good that he stops managing now and spends more time with his wife. I am also baffled by the fact that 3 women and one boy have been kept in that house in Cleveland for so long without anyone aiding them or rescuing them. It is just that the police force investigates why that is. On the issue of leaving the EU I think it is a difficult topic because the UK is not in the Euro zone, so most EU decisions would have a negative impact on the UK's economy.


BBC. (2013, 05 08). KeithCutey. Retrieved 05 12, 2013, from Youtube:

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