Tuesday 4 June 2013

Article Blog 6

Mum flees as Bridger gives evidence.

Family friend Bridger denies that he abducted and murdered the little five-year-old girl April Jones. He realized that he ran something over when he felt his wheels rise on one side. He tried to resuscitate her with the kiss of life but she wouldn’t wake up anymore.  As he was giving his evidence at his trial for the first time Aprils mother, Coral, fled from Mold Crown Court in tears as Bridger went on to describe how he carried the lifeless body of her daughter into his Land Rover. He still denies abduction and murder charges, and the trial continues.

April Jones

These sick bastards should be shot on sight if it were up to me. If he truly made a mistake and it was really an accident, why carry the body of a sweet five year old girl into your truck and take her home. Letting her parent get sick of worry and stress. It is inhumane what people like this do and they do not deserve to live their lives like they used to anymore. This is another example of a crazed monster in my opinion. My heart goes out to her parents Paul and Coral and I hope this SOB gets life.

Foster, E. (2013, 05 23). Mum flees as Bridger gives evidence. The Sun, p. 9.

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