Wednesday 5 June 2013

Broadcast Blog 3

BBC World News First Bulletin New Studio

Rebels in Mali seized a government held town and France insists it's military intervention will only last weeks. The French government is awfully bullish about how they see the war in Mali. But the taking of the city must be taken as a huge blow. The International Rescue Committee claim that the actions of the world to aid Syria have been drastically insufficient, and the Syrians are still suffering. New BBC headquarters, the biggest multilingual newsroom in the world. It is called Broadcasting house, is stationed in central London and houses 45% of the staff. It houses television, radio and online editorial departments. Ben Affleck won two Golden Globes for his movie Argo.

It pains me to see that there is no end to horror and war in the world. I hope that the disturbances in Mali and elsewhere in the world quickly resolve themselves. Though war is not something that we should take lightly so maybe the French government should be a bit more concerned in how to resolve this struggle. As far as the IRC goes, I believe that there is plenty of money in the world spend on refugee assistance and we all have to make ends meet. Complaining about it isn't going to help anyone. Congratulations to the BBC and their new Broadcasting house, and to Ben Affleck for his movie.


BBC. (2013, 01 15). irt5. Retrieved 04 26, 2013, from Youtube:

1 comment:

  1. All of this is an example, that human race is not capable of having total piece. Somewhere, some innocent people always will have to suffer, as if the bad living condition they face is not hard enough. I am a true believer of justice, and someday it will be served.
