Tuesday 4 June 2013

Article Blog 5

Margaret Thatcher funeral dress rehearsal takes place

The rehearsal for the military procession that will form the heart of Lady Thatcher's ceremonial funeral began early on Monday morning in London. At 4.50am, an RAF guard emerged onto the thoroughfare, split into two ranks, and marched down towards the cathedral. They joined a procession of around 400 personnel from the Royal Navy. Just before 5.25am, the gun carriage arrived, drawn by six black Irish draught horses from the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery. On Wednesday, the coffin's journey to the cathedral will be accompanied by the firing of a minute gun from Tower Wharf. Major Andrew Chatburn, the man in charge of choreographing the parade, thought it went very well.

Britain's Iron Lady in her Prime

I believe that Margaret Thatcher was a formidable woman, a force to be reckoned with. She did some great things in her time as a Prime minister. Though regarding the funeral, I think it is a bit excessive. Yes, she was the first female Prime Minister of Great Britain, and yes, she successfully concluded the Falkland wars. But is all of this drama and spectacle really necessary for a grocer's daughter, who also made some horrible decisions in her prime. I am happy that she lived life to the fullest but I do not think she needs all the drama and spectacle about her death.

Jones, S., & Davies, C. (2013, 04 15). Politics. Retrieved 04 22, 2013, from The Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2013/apr/15/margaret-thatcher-funeral-dress-rehearsal

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with you; although Margaret Thatcher did some good things in her time, she made some bad decisions too. The funeral is a tad excessive.
