Tuesday 4 June 2013

Article Blog 3

Machete Maniacs Murder Squaddle

On May 22nd two men killed a soldier in London. The assailants were looking for a soldier to express their frustration on. When driving past the Royal Artillery Barracks they assailants spotted the victim, wearing a 'Help for Heroes' hooded shirt They drove into him with their car, dragged him out on the street and started hacking into the victim, as eyewitness stated. A few moments later one of the assailants threatened a passerby to record him while he ranted on about how this attack was an eye for an eye because British soldiers kill Muslims every day. The assailants were shot when police arrived to the scene and are now in holding.

Area of the crime scene

I believe that the assailants made one thing very clear, when a event like this happens in western society, where one is ought to assume they're safe, everyone loses their minds. But what people forget is that events like this happen regularly, if not daily, in war-zones all over the world and most people couldn’t care less. I condemn what they did, because it goes against all of my core beliefs, none the less they have some sort of a point. My heart goes out to the families of the victim of this event, and the families of all other victims of hate crimes.

Sullivan, M. (2013, 05 23). Machete Maniancs Murder Squaddle. The Sun, pp. 2-3.

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