Wednesday 5 June 2013

Broadcast Blog 4

Last ever BBC new broadcast form television centre 18/03/13

President of Cyprus tries to defuse anger of the terms of an EU bailout. He warns that his country might turn bankrupt. British troops serving in Cyprus will not be affected by the new bank tax. During a national address, the president says this way is the lesser of two evils. This deal is different than the one offered to Ireland, Spain, Greece and Portugal. Changes to pensions and social care in 2013's budget for Britain are necessary because the chancellor says there can be no easy answers to Britain's economic woes. There is a new  president in China, the president believes a stronger economical force is possible and that all Chinese people will share china's profits.

The deal offered to Cyprus is, in my believes, reasonable. Though I do understand that the people of Cyprus now feel that they are being stolen from by their government and the EU by the levy's the EU wants to invoke. I hope that the people will realize choosing for the EU's solution is indeed the lesser of two evils and that they will come out of their economical dip stronger than before. I think that the way Chancellor Osborne is dealing with the economical woes of Britain is quite good, he gives more to the elderly and the infrastructure of the country.


BBC. (2013, 03 18). iCabrit. Retrieved 05 26, 2013, from YouTube:

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