Tuesday 4 June 2013

Article Blog 1

Nursery children ‘do not run around unsupervised’

Elizabeth Truss has irritated the childcare profession by suggesting that in “too many settings” youngsters are being allowed to “run around” with “no sense of purpose”. Though at the 'Bright beginnings' nursery in Leeds most of their days pass on quite uneventful and the children are being looked after very well. Most kindergarten teachers feel that the Minister lumped together everyone. Ms. Truss has angered childcare experts by proposing to cut the adult-to-child ratio in some settings so that each staff member can look after up to six three-year-olds. Purnima Tanuku, chief executive of National Day Nurseries Association, said that three quarters of nurseries were currently rated either good or outstanding, and that the British system is admired throughout the world.

Minister Elizabeth Truss

I believe that a minister should not make statements that lump the majority together. There are lots of stories involving child care none the less, a minister should take precaution when stating something. Her own children do not even go to a nursery, so I wonder what made her the expert. One should not just assume what they have been told but try to investigate further before making a statement like this. And by lumping every nursery together you enforce a rule that would not necessarily better the life of all children who attend nursery schools.

Brown, J. (2013, 04 22). Education. Retrieved 04 23, 2013, from The Independant: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/nursery-children-do-not-run-around-unsupervised-8583548.html

1 comment:

  1. I guess the minister was only thinking of the economical benefits of making someone supervise 6 kids, instead of the practical side. I agree when you say that she shouldn't say stuff like that when she has little bar none experience in the matter; babysitting 6 kids, especially at that age, is a lot.
