Tuesday 4 June 2013

Broadcast Blog 1

BBC News at One, Moday 18th March 2013

The government wants to regulate press due to the phone hacking scandal, by setting up a royal charter. Though they are uncertain if this will be underpinned by law. Markets in Cyprus fall over new tax for EU bailout. The move has been set in motion to get the country ready for a EU bailout. The president of Cyprus says it's the only way to save the country from bankruptcy. Britain's air and space industry are getting a two billion pound investment securing the future of a 115 000 jobs. The money is a one million investment from the government and a two million investment from industry. 10 years after the invasion in Iraq, where 179 British soldiers died an 116.000 civilians lost their lives, much has changed after the invasion. Frank Thornton, an 'are you being served' star, died at 92.

Original news broadcast

I believe that there are some rules and regulations necessary when it comes to the freedom of press. One should not overstep the boundaries of personal privacy. Furthermore the Cyprians should find a better way of getting out of debt if they do not want to follow the rules the EU gives them. I think I  is a good thing that the British business life and government come together to save this many jobs in the air and space industry. I am also rather glad that mister Thornton lived his life to the fullest.

BBC. (2013, 03 18). BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5. Retrieved 03 20, 2013, from Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i10-d3X_rXM

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