Tuesday 4 June 2013

Article Blog 4

Daniel Pelka murder case: Parents 'deliberately starved son'

An emaciated four year old boy likened to a concentration camp victim dies of a head wound on March 3rd, 2012. His mother and stepfather both deny murdering Daniel and causing or allowing his death. His parents, both originally from Poland, have a formidable pile of evidence stacked against them. His mother, allegedly, almost drowned him once to get some peace and quiet. A post-mortem examination showed that the little boy had several groups of injuries in 27 different areas. An expert also stated that the boy was 'extremely emaciated', and that his BMI was so low it could not be plotted on a chart. These acts were not isolated incidents but occurred regularly leading up to his death. The trial was adjourned until Thursday.

Daniel Pelka in happier times

I believe that parents like these should not be able to ever have children again. People like this should be snipped at the bud, if you know what I mean. Being able to give birth to a healthy child is such a gift, a gift they just threw away by neglecting and (unintentionally) murdering this boy. They purposely underfed this little boy who needed his mothers nurturing most. He also had several head traumas, trunk injuries and bruises on all four limbs, and discernible bruising to his right scalp. And to think that the mother and stepfather of the boy both exchanged text messages stating the boy was a pain and should be locked up is preposterous. It is a four year old child, he need caring attention not going to bed hungry. My question is how did it get this far?

Front Page. (2013, 06 03). Retrieved 06 03, 2013, from Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/06/03/daniel-pelka-death_n_3379192.html

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