Tuesday 4 June 2013

Article Blog 7

Man faces court over 1982 Hyde Park IRA bombing

John Downey, of County Donegal, was arrested at Gatwick airport on Sunday and charged with murder of four soldiers who died during the IRA bombing of Hyde Park in 1982. John Downey, 61, was arrested at Gatwick airport on Sunday. He is accused of being responsible for a car bomb left in South Carriage Drive which killed soldiers Roy Bright, Dennis Daly, Simon Tipper and Geoffrey Young as they rode through the park to the Changing of the Guard. The explosion also injured other members of the Royal Household Cavalry and killed seven horses. Downey was charged with murder and with intending to cause an explosion likely to endanger life.

Picture of the site
Even though this has taken place a long while ago, over thirty years, I am glad they caught the man responsible. Many may say that he is an older man now and he has lived past the expiration date of his crime, but I hope that he will be convicted. He should not be able to see any daylight for many years to come. He took away the life of four soldiers who were part of the Royal Guard and also seven horses, though the horses don't bother me as much. He lived his live with no remorse, I assume otherwise he would have turned himself in somewhat years ago, and now he should get full sentencing.

Association, P. (2013, 05 04). UK News Crime. Retrieved 06 01, 2013, from The Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/may/24/court-1982-hyde-park-ira-bombing

1 comment:

  1. I am really sorry to say this, but I have to whole heartidly disagree with you Talita. I do agree that what John has commited is a huge crime, but they should've arrested him back then and not now. By having failed doing their job in arresting him I think that they have missed their chance in doing so, because he would've been free by now. And above all John most likely is not the same person who commited those crimes anymore.
